Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Day 188

It has been very slow progress over the last few months.  I did have my break for my new job and then the weather has been fairly chilly which, honestly, does not make it fun to go out to the garage.

BUT, it has warmed up a bit and after I got my automotive juices flowing again by rebuilding 3 fuel pumps and getting the pan tuned up, I had the urge to do some work!  The pan needed some work because it had been sitting so long and the gas started to turn, which makes it run poorly.  Some timing adjustments, setting the dwell, and disassembly, cleaning, and re-installing the carb did the trick!

Today I resumed block sanding on the body.  This is the last part of the car that needs to be sanded before final paint.  There were four areas that I had re-primed that needed to be blocked with 220 so I did that and then moved onto my intermediate grit, 400, on the rest of the car.  I was able to get the roof, driver's side, and interior trunk done.  Hopefully tomorrow I can knock out the rest of the car in 400, get the bottom prepped with maroon scotch brite pads and then I'll just have the final sand of 600 grit left.

It feels good to be getting to this point but also strange, because until the weather warms up I can't do a whole lot!  I have some small projects here and there I can work on, look forward to those!

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