Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Day 146

Another successful and tiring day!

Today I finished up the last of the sanding of my parts.  The reason why all the parts had to be sanded was because there was not a sufficient mechanical bond for the next layer of paint.  All the parts were sand blasted which gave them a nice tooth for the epoxy primer.  But after about 3 days in primer, it needs to be scuffed up again in order to take the next layer of paint.  And yes, it's been a bit longer than 3 days since I primed them!

I also cleaned out the garage and straightened things up.  I removed as much as I could and then vacuumed, blew out, and wet wash with a good degreaser on the floor.  The idea here is to hopefully get it clean so there is minimal debris in the final paint job.  It took quite a while.

I had to tear into my compressed air dryer a bit because it's water separator was full.  It is supposed to have an auto drain which was not working.  I'm still looking into it.  Worst case is I can convert it to a manual drain, no big deal.

I also started getting quotes on chrome for the car.  This will be a significant expense.  Especially considering all the pieces!

And I also started looking at interior prices.  Another significant chunk of change.

Next work day I hope to get some actual painting done!  Maybe.

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