Saturday, July 19, 2014

Day 93 & 94

Well, a much needed update and actual progress on the car itself.  It feels good to be back into the swing of things.  I am, however, in a huge cash crunch after this recent part of the project.  Yikes!


Originally we were going to roll it onto the trailer, but with the help of 1 other guy we loaded it on flat.
That's Karl my sand blaster.  Great guy, down to earth, spent more time chatting with him than doing actual work!
Went to see the progress at about half way.  He used glass media.
Driver's A pillar, I knew about this.
Florida weather...
This was a bit of a surprise, the driver's side rear quarter.  Should be easy to weld in some flat pieces, nothing too complicated.  Famous last words!
This is the spare tire well, I also knew about this.  Still need to source the part to replace it though...
Pin hole rear apron.  The other side of this also needs work.  Still need to source this part.
I broke the bolt off the passenger side rear quarter and knew about this damage.
Passenger A pillar, have the replacement.
Interesting perspective!
Vroom vroom.
 While the car was at the blaster, I took the opportunity to start my paint booth.  All I had to do was drop the plastic and tape it up!  (It took a bit longer than just that, but you know...)

Back from the blaster, all naked!

I found some friends in the desert cherry tree in my front yard.  They left their mark on the side walk so I looked up.  With safety goggles of course!

Because we used partial walnut shells on some of the body (in order to prevent warping) I found a product called Hold Tight 102 that washes the metal after to remove any oils from it.  It also serves a rust inhibitor.  It was quite interesting because you actual add it to water and wash the car.  Strange to put water on fresh, clean steel!

Then I rolled it into the booth and put up the other sides.

Tomorrow I will use wax and grease remover to remove any final dust, lint, oils, etc from the body to have a perfectly clean surface.  Then I'll use a tack rag to get any last remaining pieces.

Finally, I will load up my gun and shoot some epoxy primer to protect the metal from the elements.  

I am going to look at finances, but if I'm able I'm going to try and do the remaining pieces as well so that I can paint them all while the booth is up.

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